That time of the year is coming: Back to School. There are good aspects of the kids going (back) to school, and there are not-so-good aspects. One that we’re sure a lot of parents are dreading is getting back into the routine of early mornings and early bedtimes.
We’ve done some research, and wanted to share some top tips for all you parents out there. We know every family, every child, and every parent is different. Whether you’re new to this, or have experienced it nearly a dozen times before, hopefully some of these tips will help ease the stress.
You can view the Findlay City Schools 2017-2018 school supply lists here, and St Michael here.

Send the kids to bed earlier. 

This may go without saying, but it’s important. Ease into this well before school starts back up (1-2 weeks). Give everyone a chance to gradually get into the swing of things.

Get it done the night before.

Do as much as you can to get ready the night before. Pack lunches, lay out clothes, and have the kids pack their backpacks.

Get up before the kids. 

Give yourself some time to get yourself mentally prepared, and dressed, for work. Take care of your routine as much as you can before the kids get up.

Make a chart.

Do you or the kids forget what all needs done in the morning? Make a checklist to remind you. Hair, teeth, clothes, backpack (homework, permission slips), shoes…

Be calm.

It’s hard, that’s for sure. The happier the morning goes, the happier the kids will be at school. Take time to connect and talk with them as you get ready. Less stress at home and school = more focus, happier kiddos and parents, and hopefully better grades!

Get dressed first. 

The kids can always eat something healthy in the car, but getting dressed is a task for home.

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