Awakening Minds Art is a local non-profit art studio for all ages and abilities.
AMA launched their first-ever capital campaign in April. Helping over 1000 people every month, their current space on Main Street is no longer conducive to their daily needs. They plan on relocating to 317 S. Main Street in 2018. The new location is much larger, would include parking, and would allow many safety, facility, and program improvements.
Check out their website for the floor plans for the new location, and more information regarding the Capital Campaign.
In order to make this move possible, AMA is looking to raise $500,000 this year. Once the move happens, they will continue fundraising to smooth the transition, and help grow and expand programs.
There are many ways you can help, and not all are monetary contributions. Some are simply made when you buy your groceries!

  1. Donations can  be made online.
  2. Register to volunteer through this form.
  3. Register your Kroger card for their Community Rewards program using Non-Profit ID 92139
  4. Amazon Smile: Simply type in when you go to shop, assign AMA as your favorite charity, and you’re done!

An interview with AMA director, Sarah Crisp, can be found in an April article in The Courier.
The studio’s 3rd round of Therapy Ducks, sponsored by Aflac, were a big hit earlier this year. The ducks provide an allergy-free therapy animal option for students. More information about the therapy duck program can be found in The Courier, who reported on the duck’s first day in the studio (article here). You can see them in all their cuteness on Facebook. We have footage of the ducklings hatching, and more.


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