Now that we’re moving into 2017, we’re going to see some new laws in effect in Ohio – many that will affect you and your family. Read through some of the new laws below for more information on the changes coming to Ohio this year.


Senate Bill 331: Cities can no longer limit where pet stores can buy dogs for adoption.
Senate Bill 331: This bill newly considers cockfighting a felony.


Senate Bill 3: Local schools no longer need state education approval about how they will make up their snow days.
House Bill 410: Students can no longer be suspended or expelled for missing an excessive amount of school days.


Senate Bill 199: Ohians can now carry concealed firearms in daycare centers, public areas of airports, and school safety zones. Colleges and university can now allow weapons on their campus. Firearms can still be banned by privately-owned businesses. Ohians can also keep their firearms in their car no matter where the vehicle is located.


Senate Bill 127: Abortion is now prohibited when the gestational age is 20 weeks or more.

Minimum Wage

Senate Bill 331: Political subdivisions cannot establish different minimum wage rates than the rate required by state law. The state minimum wage is increasing by 5 cents; Non-tipped workers must be paid $8.15 an hour. Tipped worker hourly rate is increasing by 3 cents to $4.08.


House Bill 154: Motorists must give cyclists a three-foot clearance while passing.
House Bill 154: Drivers can now go through a stop light if it malfunctions and does not detect the vehicle at the stop. After a reasonable amount of time, the motorist can proceed through the stop as long as the coast is clear.
House Bill 300: A person that is convicted of killing someone with their car will begin their license suspension after they are out of prison, rather than the suspension starting while they are in prison.

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